The Essential Christian Worldview

1. The Essential Christian Worldview–We all have a worldview, whether we realize it or not. This section asks and answers two questions–this set of questions and answers constitute the Christian Worldview. (a) What is Truth? and (b) Why are we alive?

* a)… the Bible is the Word of God and is Truth and that Truth is personified in Jesus Christ. To know Truth face-to-face is to know Christ personally. (John 17:17) (John 14:6)
* b)… we are created for God’s pleasure and to bring him glory in all that we do and say. Revelation 4:11, Philippians 2:9-11, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20; 10:31.

2. The Inspiration, Inerrancy (which means “without error”), and Authority of the Scriptures–This is the most basic of doctrines for the believer. If we do not understand that the Scriptures are our final authority, then we can never be certain about the other teachings of the faith.

* The Bible is the Word of God, fully inspired and without error in the original manuscripts, written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and it has supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct. (Matthew 5:18, 2 Tim 3:15-17, 1 Thes 2:13,1 Peter 1:21)

3. The Nature of God–What kind of God do YOU worship? The modern “god” is too small, he has no definite doctrines, his plans and providence are subject to man’s whims and desires, he is a cosmic wimp. The God of the Bible is The Absolute God, who is:

* Sovereign, (Rom 9:1-25; Psalm 115:3; 135:6)
* Holy, (Psalm 99:9; 33:21; 77:13; John 17:11)
* Omnipotent, (Isaiah 43:13; Job 42:2)
* Omniscient, (Psalm 147:4-5; Isaiah 42:9)
* Omnipresent, (Psalm 139:7-12)
* Immutable, (James 1:17; Hebrews 1:10-12; Hebrews 13:8; Malachi 3:6)
* Wrathful, (Psalm 95:11, Rom 1:18 ,)
* Merciful, (Genesis 19:16; Exodus 34:6; Hebrews 2:17; Hebrews 8:12) and
* Loving (John 3:16; 1 Timothy 4:10; 1 John 4:19; Jeremiah 31:3; Ephesians 1:4-5).

4. The Doctrine of the Trinity–(Father, Son, Holy Spirit) as defined in the historic creeds of the Christian faith, the doctrine of the Trinity is essential to biblical Christianity: no Trinity–no Christianity. No Trinity–No salvation!

Deut 6:4, Deut 32:6, Jer 3:19, 2 Cor 6:18, John 1:1, John 14:9, Acts 5:1-5

5. The Person and Work of Christ–“What think ye of Christ . . .Who do men say that I am?” The answer to this question is the heart of hearts of the faith. Christ is Pre-existent, God Incarnate, Crucified, Risen, Coming Again. There is salvation in no one else.

Matt 1:23; Heb 1; John 1:1; 14:6; Acts 2:22; 4:12; 1 Cor 15:15-21; 2 Cor 5:21; Col 1:15-20; 1 Thes 4:16-17; Rom 8:23; 2 Pet 2:13

6. Salvation: (a) By Grace, through faith in the Person and work of Jesus Christ alone, plus nothing. This is one of the major teachings that distinguishes biblical Christianity from all other religions–Man cannot work his way to God, God must do it all. (b) Justification by Faith, plus nothing. The corollary to 6a–we contribute nothing to our salvation; we respond in faith to the finished work of Jesus Christ.

* a) Ephesians 2:8-10; Phil 2:12-13
* b) Romans 3:21-24, 28;
*c)  Romans 4:1-5

Taken from Christian Basic Training by Charles Buntin

Published in: on February 28, 2010 at 3:04 pm  Comments (1)  

The Name of Jesus—Phil 2:10

Posted: 11 Jan 2010 01:55 PM PST

I find it interesting how things can often occupy Christians’ minds. Sometimes our preoccupations are healthy, when they are the very things that preoccupy Jesus. But other times we become so preoccupied with secondary things that, in essence, they become idols.

This doesn’t mean our preoccupations are necessarily wrong; many times the things that consume our thinking are good things, theological things, things of God. Just like the Pharisees. They were consumed with the minutia of the Law, but that consumption was a barrier that allowed them to neglect the heart of God. And that is the point.

In dealing with the adiaphora (“secondary things”), in working with “strong” and “weak” Christians (Romans 14), the difficult question is determining whether our particular theological or social preoccupation is of central significance, something all Christians must agree to, or whether our preoccupation belongs to the adiaphora, secondary things about which we can agree to disagree.

One of the topics that often surfaces in this context is the name of God. When the Bible says “at the name of Jesus every knee should bow” (Phil 2:10, ESV), is the power in the actual name “Jesus” (or more likely “Lord,” see later in the verse)? When Peter says that “there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12), do we all have to get the “name” right, and that means pronouncing it properly?

This preoccupation often surfaces when it comes to God’s most holy name, generally spelled “Yahweh.” I have seen people so preoccupied with insisting that we must get this right that it becomes the hallmark of their ministry, studies, and church. “We are the church that gets God’s name right!” which is a ludicrous claim and can so easily become an idol.

(I was watching a YouTube video the other day of a pastor who announced that they would be reading out of the “original 1611 King James,” and the people responding by standing, clapping and shouting, obviously taking more joy in their pastor’s insistence on an English translation than on the words of God it contained or in God himself. But this is an aside, and I wouldn’t respond here to questions about the King James debate; it does strike me as a good parallel to some people’s insistence on having to get God’s name “right.”)

A quick history of the name follows. In the burning bush account (Exodus 3), God reveals himself as the great “I AM,” using a form of the Hebrew verb “to be.” While Hebrew has always been pronounced with vowels it was not always written with them, and so the name comes to us through its consonants basically as YHWH. Through a desire not to violate the third commandment, the Israelites stopped pronouncing the vowels and eventually replaced them with the vowels from another name of God, “Adonay.” This came into English through German as “Jehovah” and generally today as “Yahweh.” It is translated in the LXX with κυριος and hence influences the theology of “Lord” in the New Testament. (See my dictionary for more information, page 421-422).

But the Third Commandment is not about saying or not saying a specific word. The “name” of a person represents the essence of who they are. That is why the Lord’s Prayer says, “hallowed by your name”; “may your name be kept holy” (NLT). We are to pray that in our conduct people will see God to be the holy God that he is. It is not the word “Lord” that will draw all men and women and creation to their knees at the end of time; it will be the person and work of Jesus. And Peter does not believe that it is a series of morphemes that alone holds salvation; it is the person and work of Jesus, ordained by God the Father and brought to completion by God the Spirit. On the surface, the Third Commandment is about oath taking, and not binding yourself with an oath made in God’s name and then breaking it. But I suspect that behind this is a deeper concern, and that is we do not treat God himself vainly, with contempt, as a common, everyday person, but rather treat him and relate to him as holy.

So back to my in point. Why do some people obsess over “getting the name right” when it is not the name but the person that is important? Why do they move something that is important but secondary into the realm of the essential? Who can know the heart of a person? But I encourage us to remember the words of Jesus, “For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matt 5:20). I suspect the Pharisees knew how to pronounce the name.

MounceWilliam D. [Bill] Mounce posts every Monday about the Greek language, exegesis, and related topics at Koinonia. He is the author of numerous books, including the bestselling Basics of Biblical Greek (third edition coming in 2009!), and general editor for Mounce’s Complete Expository Dictionary of the Old and New Testament Words. He served as the New Testament chair of the English Standard Version Bible translation. Learn more and visit Bill’s blog (co-authored with scholar and his father Bob Mounce) at

Published in: on January 12, 2010 at 7:39 pm  Leave a Comment  

Christians in Muslim Lands

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Chuck Colson

This past weekend, an estimated 1,000 Coptic Christians gathered in Los Angeles to protest the killings of fellow Copts in Egypt a few days earlier. According to one protester, “there is no protection for Christians in Egypt.” Judging by the coverage, the media isn’t helping matters.

The events that triggered the protests took place on the Coptic Christmas. A gunman opened fire on a crowd of worshipers leaving midnight mass in the ancient city of Nag Hammadi. Seven Copts were killed, most instantly. At least another six were wounded.

According to many press reports, the killings were in retaliation for the “alleged sexual assault of a Muslim girl by a Christian man, in November.” That, of course, doesn’t take into account the five days of looting and burning of Coptic homes and businesses immediately following the alleged assault. Those who are familiar with the plight of Egyptian Christians know that violence and repression are part and parcel of their lives. In 2006, five Copts were stabbed, one fatally, while leaving Good Friday services in Alexandria. This was part of a larger assault against Christians at four different churches that left several Coptic Christians dead and at least 17 wounded.

At CBS noted at the time, the Egyptian government has a history of playing down violence against its Christian population. It’s far from alone in that respect: in his 57-minute address at Cairo University, president Obama never uttered the word “Copt” and only mentioned religious freedom-specifically, the lack of it-in passing.

Then there’s the media. In its reports on the Nag Hammadi killings and their aftermath, the Associated Press called the killings the product of “sectarian strains.” Well! To say Coptic Christians have “strained” relationships with their Muslim neighbors is like saying a nail has a strained relationship with a hammer. Copts are second-class citizens in the land they have occupied since time immemorial.

Besides being the targets of periodic violence, they are discriminated against in employment and what the AP calls “church construction disputes.” Those so-called disputes are, in fact, “severe restrictions” on the building or repairing of their churches.

This lack of attention to the plight of Christians is Islamic lands isn’t limited to Egypt. At the same time the media convulsed over the Swiss ban on minarets, the Malaysian government banned and seized Bibles. Why? Because they used the word “Allah,” which is Malay for “God.”

It didn’t stop there. The Malaysian government banned Catholic newspapers from using the word as well. The government position was that only Muslims could use the word. After Malaysia’s high court ruled that the ban was unconstitutional, Muslim extremists took a more-direct approach: They started setting churches on fire.

The story has been covered in the foreign media, but Americans might be hard-pressed to know how difficult things are for our brethren living in Muslim lands. That’s because, as CNN’s William Schneider put it, “the press just…doesn’t get religion.” That leaves many Christians, in Egypt and elsewhere, unprotected and unnoticed. Call it adding insult to injury.

Published in: on January 12, 2010 at 7:30 pm  Leave a Comment  

Oral Roberts Basptized into Mormon Church

Oral Roberts Basptized into Mormon Church

A researcher has uncovered the LDS proxy baptism and other proxy records of televangelist Oral Roberts.

Old news, you might say. Mormons “dead dunk” famous deceased people all the time.

The problem? Oral Roberts passed away this week, December 15, 2009.

He was baptized by proxy and confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints May 19-20, 2009, received his temple endowments on August 29, 2009, and was sealed to his (earthly) parents on October 13, 2009; all in the Mesa, Arizona LDS Temple, according to this researcher’s web site.

The problem? A church which insists on only its own ordinances for salvation AND which depends on direct revelation from God, should not have these kinds of problems……

Published in: on December 19, 2009 at 7:05 am  Leave a Comment  

Witchcraft in the White House

Posted by Kristen Atkinson on Saturday, August 15, 2009 4:11:43 PM

The Obama White House is abuzz with talk of witchcraft by first grandmother, 72-year-old Marian Robinson, who lives in the White House residence. A close friend of Michelle Obama says the president is furious at his mother-in-law after learning that she was practicing Santeria, an African spirit cult, in the White House.

“The president is quite upset about this on two different levels. First, he is a committed Christian, no matter what his critics say about Reverend Wright. He is adamant that Sasha and Malia be raised with Christian influences. He does not want them to be involved with African voodoo. And secondly, he is worried about the political fallout if his enemies get wind of this. Rev. Wright was bad enough, but this would be political suicide,” a close friend of Michelle’s confided.

Religion took center stage during the campaign last year when videos showed the Rev. Jeremiah Wright shouting “God damn America.” Obama was forced to distance himself from the since-retired pastor at Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, where he worshiped for 20 years. Many people were shocked by the videos and questioned Obama’s fitness to be president. Since taking office, Obama has avoided worshiping in public and now prefers the chapel at the presidential retreat at Camp David.

This is how it happened. Marian Robinson became increasingly frustrated as her husband, Fraser Robinson, was hobbled by multiple sclerosis in the late 1980s. The family pastor prayed with her and counseled her, but “she turned to Santeria in a desperate hope,” Michelle’s friend said. “Michelle put her foot down when she heard that her mother took her dad to ceremonies where they did spells and trances, and sacrificed animals, chickens and goats I think. But Marian was desperate and kept going anyway, even when her husband was to sick to go with her. I don’t think the president knew anything about this earlier because it was before they met. Michelle and Craig (her brother) wanted to close the book on this and never talked about it again after their father died in 1991.”

The first grandma appears to be worried about her health now, even though doctors pronounce her in good shape. “Marian invited an old friend from Chicago to visit her at the White House, and she performed a Santeria ceremony in the residence. When Michelle saw this woman, a voodoo priestess she recognized her from when her father was sick, she had a fit. When she told the president about it, he blew up and said, ‘No voodoo in the White House. Absolutely. I don’t care what you call it.’ As far as I know, it only happened once,” the friend said.

The president was “totally in favor” when his mother-in-law moved into the White House as a live-in babysitter for 11-year-old Malia and 8-year-old Sasha. Obama reportedly told Michelle that her mother will have to go back to Chicago if she does not “stop this witchcraft mumbo-jumbo immediately” and ordered the Secret Service to not allow Marian’s friend to return to the White House.

Published in: on August 20, 2009 at 5:13 am  Comments (1)  

The Fall and Rise of Human Violence

Why crime plunged in the 17th century but is rising again in the 21st
By Berit Kjos

As centuries come and go, history occasionally reveals sudden, momentous changes that transform cultures in ways that defy human logic. One of these astounding leaps began about 400 years ago. It brought light into the darkness of the Middle Ages and safety to people bound by fear, superstition and tyranny.

Historian Randall Roth summarizes what happened. His research showed little variation in the rate of human violence between the 14th and the 16th centuries. “Then in the 17th century, there is a very big, dramatic drop,” he says. “It’s so sudden and rapid that it seems too hard to explain….”

Mr. Roth ought to know. From his base at Ohio State University, he had uncovered detailed documentation of 16th and 17th century murder rates which suggested “that countries don’t become more or less civilized that quickly.”

Journalist Alexander Stille explores this remarkable shift in his New York Times article, “Did Knives and Forks Cut Murders?” Basing his observations on studies done by historians during the last 60 years, he summarizes their findings:

“Although there were no national statistics centuries ago, some historians discovered that the archives of some English counties were intact back to the 13th century. So in the 1970’s they began diligently counting indictments and comparing them with estimated population levels to get a rough idea of medieval and early modern crime rates. Historians in Continental Europe… came up with findings that yielded the same surprising results: that murder was much more common in the Middle Ages than it is now and that it dropped precipitately in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries.”

Why this drop? How did people suddenly become less violent and more civil?

These are important questions, for an accurate answer would also help nations deal with today’s rising rate of violence. So in his informative article, Mr. Stille cites some proposed answers to these crucial questions. One such explanation points to the social changes caused by industrialization and urbanization. But this theory was countered by James A Sharpe, a historian at the University of York in England. He showed that the “big statistical dip in violence preceded industrialization and urbanization by more than a century.”

Other explanations for the plummeting crime rates proved flawed as well. Some scholars have suggested that the nature of crime merely “shifted from bodily assault to crimes of property.” But, wrote Mr. Sharpe, “The great decline in homicide in the 17th century was not accompanied by a rise in property offense prosecutions, but rather by their diminution.”

In other words, theft as well as murder plummeted in the 17th century. People had actually changed their values. They had become more honest as well as peaceable. But why?

Mr. Sharpe doesn’t answer that question. Instead, he wrote that “this drop… remains inexplicable.”

Historian Edward Muir (Northwestern University) proposed another answer. In “Mad Blood Stirring,” a book on the history of murder, he writes that the Republic of Venice tried to end the violent family rivalries among its nobles by punishing murder and by encouraging one-to-one duels rather than all-out family feuds. In other words, “…they learned to replace the clan feud with the individual duel, an important shift from collective violence to individual responsibility,” wrote Mr. Stille.

But that argument is countered by Mr. Roth’s observations that the murder rates in Italy and Greece didn’t come down until the 19th century. He debunks other popular answers as well:

“The data we are getting doesn’t line up with most theories of either liberals or conservatives about crime. The theory that crime is determined by deterrence and law enforcement, by income inequality, by a high proportion of young men in a population, by the availability of weapons, by cities, most of those theories end up being wrong.”

Tom Cohen, a history teachers at York University in Toronto, comes closer to solving the puzzle:

“Both the Protestant Reformation and the Catholic Counter-Reformation put a lot of emphasis on individual conscience… The conscience becomes the internal gyroscope. There is the growth of introspection — the diary, the novel, the personal essay…. personal self-control….”

But while Mr. Cohen hints at the cause, he cloaks it in the humanist terms of today’s progressive educator. Therefore, he can’t explain how the “conscience becomes the internal gyroscope.” Introspection, diaries and personal essays… none of these can tame man’s capricious human nature.

Instead, Mr. Cohen’s answer begs two more questions: How did the people suddenly develop their “individual conscience” and “personal self-control”? And how did their numbers grow to the point where cultures and nations actually reflected this personal transformation?

The seeds of change were actually sown in the 15th and 16th century by a few courageous reformers who dared to resist the corrupt religious establishment of their times. Willing to face persecution and death, men like Jan Hus (Bohemia – burned on the stake in 1415), John Calvin (Geneva – 1564), John Knox (Scotland – 1572) and John Foxe (England – 1587) chose to follow their conscience and teach the life-changing truths that would — by the 17th century — transform northern Europe.

Martin Luther led the way. As a Catholic priest, he had access to the Scriptures, and his Bible-based conscience could no longer tolerate the twisted doctrines of self-serving bishops nor their cruel exploitation of the poor. He knew that souls were saved by faith in Jesus Christ, not through forced “indulgences” and submission to oppressive human edicts. His rational challenge to the papacy (in 1518) birthed the Reformation and became a beacon of hope to those who longed to know the truth and live in freedom.

The surrounding culture didn’t change overnight. The first sprouts from the seeds of the Reformation were still too few to accomplish a change in public consciousness. Many of the early Protestant churches were too closely tied to established traditions and state alliances to freely demonstrate the Christian life. They needed time to study God’s Word, clarify the doctrines and define the unfamiliar terms. And their followers had to learn a lifestyle of faith that would resist and endure what the Encyclopedia Britannica called “savage persecution” involving the torture and death of “thousands of humble victims.”

Their courage and commitment bore fruit. Persecution has always built faith rather than failure in God’s flock. As Tertullian said back in the 1st century AD, “The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church.”

Ruled by the Spanish King Phillip II, whose deadly campaigns aimed to crush every rebel against his religious empire, Dutch believers faced the brunt of these deadly assaults. But in 1609 the Dutch Republic won independence from Spain. “Protestantism was now firmly established in the northern provinces,” and throughout most of northern Europe.

By God’s grace, people in northern Europe were suddenly free to print and read the Bible, live by faith and follow their conscience. A century later, the evangelistic zeal that spread God’s truth and love throughout Europe began to cross seas and continents to reach the earth’s most distant lands and oppressed people.

In the wake of this mission movement which grew quickly in the 19th century, nations were transformed. You might argue that financial exploiters and many colonial leaders served human greed and ambition. That’s true. But faithful Christian missionaries did the opposite. They gave all they had — comforts, security, health… in order to share God’s love. Facing all kinds of dangers, they built hospitals, schools and churches in distant lands. And as they spread God’s truths, moral standards and respect for human life, the world changed. The global slave trade ended,[5] human violence ebbed, kindness and civility grew and travelers no longer feared for their lives.

Christianity had taught men to protect, not abuse, women. So in 1912, when the passengers of the sinking Titanic climbed into a limited number of lifeboats, “women and children came first.” You may recall more recent ship and ferry accidents in which men trampled the women in their path in order to save their own lives. But when the Titanic hit the iceberg, most of the men demonstrated self-sacrificing kindness and old-fashioned chivalry:

“Lifeboats were quickly made ready and women and children were ordered to get into them first. There were 12 honeymooning couples on board the ship. Though all of the brides were saved, only one of the grooms survived.” “While ‘Unsinkable’ Titanic Sank, John Harper Preached”

Today, we still reap the benefits of a violent world pacified by the

spread Christianity. But we also see a reversal of that tide that first flooded Europe with truth. Many powerful leaders — religious as well as political — are determined to snuff out the light of God’s Word. And the new global education and human resource development systems are designed to replace the personal freedom we have in Christ with a collective society based on religious pluralism and global idealism. Aware of the rising wave of violence in schools and communities, they ban the only viable solution. [See Psalm 127:1 and Isaiah 30:15]

“…when you have eaten and are full, and have built beautiful houses and dwell in them… your heart is lifted up and you forget the Lord your God…. you say in your heart, ‘My power and the might of my hand have gained me this wealth.’

“…if you by any means forget the Lord your God, and follow other gods… you shall surely perish. As the nations which the Lord destroys before you, so you shall perish, because you would not be obedient to the voice of the Lord your God.” Deuteronomy 8:10-20

As history repeats itself, the civilized world is regressing. Paganism, promiscuity, brutality and violent crime are on the rise,[6] while the growing hatred for Biblical Christianity is fanned by a global entertainment industry that wants nothing more than the death of morality.

At such a time, it is good to remember what God has done in the past. It helps us look with hope toward a future in which God will continue to reign, no matter what happens.

Pastor Hollis Read knew that well. He saw God’s sovereign purpose in all the ups and downs of history. Back in the 1860’s, he shared his insights in a wonderful book titled The Hand of God in History:

“Perhaps no century was more remarkable in this respect than the seventeenth. That was an age of great men for the defense of the truth….

“Indeed, all history is but an exponent of Providence; and it cannot but interest the mind of intelligent piety, to trace the mighty hand of God in all the changes and revolutions and incidents of our world’s history….

“The preservation of the church, amidst all the changes and revolutions of nations, is a standing providence…. Often has the whole civil authority of the world confederated against her; often has she been brought to the brink of ruin; and often have great kings and mighty kingdoms rejoiced over her supposed complete overthrow; yet, she has stood….

“Let it then be our chief concern that we be reconciled to God; that our discordant sprits be hushed into harmony with the Spirit that controls all events in the wide universe according to His sovereign will. And then, though His chariot wheels roll on in their resistless course, we shall not be crushed, but, drawn by the sweet influences of everlasting love, our spirits shall find rest from every sorrow and rest in God forever.”

Published in: on July 5, 2009 at 5:10 am  Leave a Comment  

Official Islam

Bill Warner

The true nature of Islam is revealed in its sacred texts and its history. But, there is another Islam–Official Islam–that has been revealed by Obama in Cairo. He made official what the media, politicians and the universities have pushed since 9/11.

Here are the major points of Official Islam:

· Islam is a religion similar to Christianity and Judaism. They all worship the same god.
· Good Muslims prove that Islam is good
· There are no jihadists, just extremists
· Islam must be accommodated in as many ways as possible
· One of the proofs of Islam’s greatness is the Islamic Golden Age, humanity’s best days
· Violence by Muslims is due to their being poor and abused
· Islam gave the West its basis for our intellectual world
· The Crusades were a great evil by Christians
· There are moderate Muslims and a few extremist Muslims
· “Extremists” cause the violence
· Islam is found in the Koran (never discuss Mohammed)
· The “bad stuff” in the Koran is only due to its interpretation
· Good Muslims will reform the “extremists”
· Islam is the religion of tolerance
· Islam has a Golden Rule
· Islam is the religion of freedom and justice

But the official version of Islam is a *Big Lie. The fact that the Official Islam does not agree with the Koran, Sira and Hadith is of no importance, since it is not based upon them. Official Islam is based upon the propaganda of the Muslim Brotherhood. Not one line of the Official Islam is totally true and many of the points are complete fabrications.

At best, some assertions are partially true. A half-truth is a lie. When you testify in our courts you have to swear an oath: I swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Official Islam is not only made up of half-truths, but it also has points that contain no truth, e.g. Islam is the religion of tolerance, so it contains both half-truths and total lies. There is not a single statement in it that it completely true. It is a Big Lie.

Anyone who does not agree with these points is labeled a bigot and will be condemned by all of the official non-bigots, those who believe the Big Lie. The oddest thing is that they make moral judgments about those who do not believe. They say that if you don’t believe in the Big Lie, you are a bigoted Islamophobe.

Official Islam cannot be proved and is delivered by “authorities.” It is based upon authoritarian thinking-believe it because those who have more power that you say it is true. We must use truth and critical/scientific thinking to destroy the Big Lie of Official Islam. Official Islam is the mind of denial and delusion and is the intellectual basis of the destruction of our civilization.

* BIG LIE: Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, MA, 1971, pgs. 231, 232.
All this was inspired by the principle–which is quite true in itself–that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.

Published in: on July 3, 2009 at 5:34 am  Leave a Comment  

‘The Muslim World’

One-way multiculturalism.

By Mark Steyn

As recently as last summer, General Motors filing for bankruptcy would have been the biggest news story of the week. But it’s not such a very great step from the unthinkable to the inevitable, and by the time it actually happened the market barely noticed and the media were focused on the president’s “address to the Muslim world.” As it happens, these two stories are the same story: snapshots, at home and abroad, of the hyperpower in eclipse. It’s a long time since anyone touted GM as the emblematic brand of America — What’s good for GM is good for America, etc. In fact, it’s more emblematic than ever: Like General Motors, the U.S. government spends more than it makes, and has airily committed itself to ever more unsustainable levels of benefits. GM has about 95,000 workers but provides health benefits to a million people: It’s not a business enterprise, but a vast welfare plan with a tiny loss-making commercial sector. As GM goes, so goes America?
But who cares? Overseas, the coolest president in history was giving a speech. Or, as the official press release headlined it on the State Department website, “President Obama Speaks to the Muslim World from Cairo.”
Let’s pause right there: It’s interesting how easily the words “the Muslim world” roll off the tongues of liberal secular progressives who’d choke on any equivalent reference to “the Christian world.” When such hyper-alert policemen of the perimeter between church and state endorse the former but not the latter, they’re implicitly acknowledging that Islam is not merely a faith but a political project, too. There is an “Organization of the Islamic Conference,” which is already the largest single voting bloc at the U.N. and is still adding new members. Imagine if someone proposed an “Organization of the Christian Conference” that would hold summits attended by prime ministers and presidents, and vote as a bloc in transnational bodies. But, of course, there is no “Christian world”: Europe is largely post-Christian and, as President Obama bizarrely asserted to a European interviewer last week, America is “one of the largest Muslim countries in the world.” Perhaps we’re eligible for membership in the OIC.
I suppose the benign interpretation is that, as head of state of the last superpower, Obama is indulging in a little harmless condescension. In his Cairo speech, he congratulated Muslims on inventing algebra and quoted approvingly one of the less bloodcurdling sections of the Koran. As socio-historical scholarship goes, I found myself recalling that moment in the long twilight of the Habsburg Empire when Crown Prince Rudolph and his mistress were found dead at the royal hunting lodge at Mayerling — either a double suicide, or something even more sinister. Happily, in the Broadway musical version, instead of being found dead, the star-crossed lovers emigrate to America and settle down on a farm in Pennsylvania. Recently, my old comrade Stephen Fry gave an amusing lecture at the Royal Geographical Society in London on the popular Americanism “When life hands you lemons, make lemonade” — or, if something’s bitter and hard to swallow, add sugar and sell it. That’s what the president did with Islam: He added sugar and sold it.
The speech nevertheless impressed many conservatives, including Rich Lowry, my esteemed editor at National Review, “esteemed editor” being the sort of thing one says before booting the boss in the crotch. Rich thought that the president succeeded in his principal task: “Fundamentally, Obama’s goal was to tell the Muslim world, ‘We respect and value you, your religion and your civilization, and only ask that you don’t hate us and murder us in return.’” But those terms are too narrow. You don’t have to murder a guy if he preemptively surrenders. And you don’t even have to hate him if you’re too busy despising him. The savvier Muslim potentates have no desire to be sitting in a smelly cave in the Hindu Kush sharing a latrine with a dozen halfwitted goatherds while plotting how to blow up the Empire State Building. Nevertheless, they share key goals with the cave dwellers — including the wish to expand the boundaries of “the Muslim world” and (as in the anti-blasphemy push at the U.N.) to place Islam, globally, beyond criticism. The non-terrorist advance of Islam is a significant challenge to western notions of liberty and pluralism.
Once Obama moved on from the more generalized Islamoschmoozing to the details, the subtext — the absence of American will — became explicit. He used the cover of multilateralism and moral equivalence to communicate, consistently, American weakness: “No single nation should pick and choose which nations hold nuclear weapons.” Perhaps by “no single nation” he means the “global community” should pick and choose, which means the U.N. Security Council, which means the Big Five, which means that Russia and China will pursue their own murky interests and that, in the absence of American leadership, Britain and France will reach their accommodations with a nuclear Iran, a nuclear North Korea, and any other psycho-state minded to join them.
On the other hand, a “single nation” certainly has the right to tell another nation anything it wants if that nation happens to be the Zionist Entity: As Hillary Clinton just instructed Israel re its West Bank communities, there has to be “a stop to settlements — not some settlements, not outposts, not natural-growth exceptions.” No “natural growth”? You mean, if you and the missus have a kid, you’ve got to talk gran’ma into moving out? To Tel Aviv, or Brooklyn, or wherever? At a stroke, the administration has endorsed “the Muslim world”’s view of those non-Muslims who happen to find themselves within what it regards as lands belonging to Islam: The Jewish and Christian communities are free to stand still or shrink, but not to grow. Would Obama be comfortable mandating “no natural growth” to Israel’s million-and-a-half Muslims? No. But the administration has embraced the “the Muslim world”’s commitment to one-way multiculturalism, whereby Islam expands in the west but Christianity and Judaism shrivel remorselessly in the Middle East.
And so it goes. Like General Motors, America is “too big to fail.” So it won’t, not immediately. It will linger on in a twilight existence sclerotic and ineffectual, declining unto a kind of societal dementia, unable to keep pace with what’s happening and with an ever more tenuous grip on its own past, but able on occasion to throw out impressive words albeit strung together without much meaning: empower, peace, justice, prosperity — just to take one windy gust from the president’s Cairo speech.
There’s better phrase-making in the current issue of Foreign Affairs, in a coinage of Leslie Gelb, president emeritus of the Committee on Foreign Relations. The president emeritus is a sober, judicious paragon of torpidly conventional wisdom. Nevertheless, musing on American decline, he writes, “The country’s economy, infrastructure, public schools, and political system have been allowed to deteriorate. The result has been diminished economic strength, a less vital democracy, and a mediocrity of spirit.” That last is the one to watch: A great power can survive a lot of things, but not “a mediocrity of spirit.” A wealthy nation living on the accumulated cultural capital of a glorious past can dodge its rendezvous with fate, but only for a while. That sound you heard in Cairo is the tingy ping of a hollow superpower.

— Mark Steyn, a National Review columnist, is author of America Alone. © 2009 Mark Steyn

Published in: on June 8, 2009 at 10:15 pm  Leave a Comment  

Obama’s Pop Quiz

Last week, Obama gave his much anticipated talk in Cairo and spoke at length about Islam. If you would like an excellent tactical analysis of his speech go to Robert’s Spencer’s fine article. By my count his speech had at least 21 errors about the doctrine of political Islam and its history. This does not include opinions about Israel and the Arabs of Gaza.

Some of Obama’s fans shift the burden of guilt to Obama’s speechwriters. But, you don’t hear that argument if the Obama supporters like the speech. Since the errors he made all track the propaganda of the Muslim Brotherhood, there is little doubt that he has help.

So what? Obama is a politician and most politicians are noted for shading any truth for their own good. We should not blame Obama for being a propagandist for Islam. He is not the problem.

If I were to teach a class on the history and doctrine of political Islam, I would hand out Obama’s speech as a final exam. The instructions would be to choose at least 18 errors and counter them with a short paragraph about the truth of the actual doctrine and history.

Obama gave America and the world a pop quiz and our “expert” commentators in TV, newspapers and the rest of the mainstream media failed. Included in the list of those who failed the exam are politicians, preachers, priests, professors and rabbis. As a civilization we have no way to sort truth from lies about Islam. We simply accept any apologist’s analysis because it is positive. We want to be told sweet lies and not bothered by the truth.

As a civilization we have accepted the lie that “authorities” in the media and politics will tell us what the true nature of Islam is. But there is only one authority on the true nature of Islam-the doctrine found in the Koran, Sira(Mohammed’s life) and Hadith(his Traditions)–the Trilogy. But Obama’s speech ignores this fact and refers only to the Koran. Anytime someone tries to explain Islam solely on the basis of the Koran, you are dealing with someone who is either ignorant or a deceiver. Of course, the media and the rest of our so-called experts do not know that Islam is based upon the Sira and Hadith either.

No matter what he said-good, bad, or indifferent-we have no way to discern truth from falseness. We are just too ignorant of even the most basic ideas of political Islam.

Obama’s speech is in gross error due to his assumption that Islam can only be viewed from one perspective-that of the believer. But Islam tells us that all of humanity is divided into believer, kafir (unbeliever) and dhimmi (servant of Islam, an apologist). Hence, there are three views of Islam-believer-centric, kafir-centric and dhimmi-centric. The best example of these three views of Islam is to study the day that Mohammed executed 800 male Jews in Medina because they denied that Mohammed was a prophet.

· Believer-centric view is that the execution was a victory for Islam and a day of triumph.
· Kafir-centric view is that the mass execution was ethnic cleansing and a crime against humanity.
· The dhimmi-centric view is that those were different times and we should not judge others. Also, we kafirs have our own tragedies and should not judge others.

These views are not reconcilable. But Obama and the media deny that any kafir view even exists. He leads a nation of kafirs and is unwilling to voice the view of Islam that is kafir-centric. He consistently only allows the believer-centric view to be expressed.

The only scientific way to approach Obama’s talk is to allow all three views. To deny that the kafir view even exists is intellectual bigotry and blindness. But all authorities insist that there is no kafir-centric view, only Islam. The only way to defeat Islam is to kafir-ize the arguments and to insist that kafirs have a right to be heard, not just the Muslims and their dhimmis. We want to tell our side of Islam. We demand a fair forum.

So Obama gave the world a pop quiz and we failed. It is not that Islam is so strong, but that we are so ignorant and weak.

Bill Warner


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Published in: on June 8, 2009 at 4:25 pm  Leave a Comment  

Islam in America: Part 9 of 9

Islam in America, Part Nine: American Fifth Column
Beginning in January, RightSideNews has run a series called “Islam in America.”

We’ve looked at the growing influence of radical Islam in the workplace, the educational system, the internet – in short, in almost all aspects of life in the United States.
In the final installment of the series, we talk to Frank Salvato of the Basics Project. According to their mission statement:
Basics Project is a non-profit, non-partisan 501(C)(3) research and educational initiative whose mission is to re-introduce the American public to the basic elements of our constitutional heritage while providing non-partisan, fact-based information on relevant socio-political issues important to our country, specifically the threats of aggressive Islamofascism and the American Fifth Column.
Frank Salvato agreed to help us sum up the “Islam in America” series by explaining where we stand and where the battle is headed. His views are sobering, to say the least.
“We are definitely losing ground against fundamentalist Islam here on American soil,” said Salvato in an exclusive interview.
“While the media will point to successes in garnering convictions against terror cells like the Liberty City group or the Lackawanna group or the group in Bly, Oregon, the Holy Land Foundation, CAIR and others, what we are blind to is the incremental encroachment of the Islamic culture into the fiber of Americanism.”
Salvato recommends a Basics Project video about what he calls the “American Fifth Column, “the neo-Marxists determined to undermine Americanism at all cost.”
The term “fifth column” refers to a group working to undermine their own nation. Frank Salvato explains that, “in America, the term refers to American citizens who are ideologically aligned with anti-American organizations, sentiments, principles and values, who work individually or in concert with various organized movements in an effort to undermine American interests, counter official American policy, erode American confidence at home and abroad, or in any way aid and abet America’s enemies, while publicly proclaiming all of it to be an act of patriotism.”
Those who make up the American Fifth Column often describe themselves using noble sounding terms like “conscientious objector”, and are fond of using expressions such as “Dissent is patriotic.”
These academic, political and media elites are “complicit in fundamentalist Islam’s advance on American society and government.”
As for violent jihadis on US soil,” says Salvato, “the notion that we have been kept safe since the attacks of September 11, 2001, only applies to violent and spectacular attacks. That jihadis exist on American soil has been established by almost every honest individual and organization that studies the issue.”
In fact, one installment of the “Islam in America” series looked at the spread of Jamaat al-Fuqra compounds across the nation.
Of course, the spread of radical Islam tends to take much subtler forms. Echoing stories recounted in the “Islam in America” series, Salvato says:
“Almost on a daily basis, we read and hear stories about how fundamentalist Islamists demand special treatment in our society. From their demands that government construct and install foot baths and prayer rooms in public places like airports and governmental buildings – at taxpayer expense – to one women in Florida insisting that she be allowed to wear her abayya in a drivers license photo, Muslim cab drivers refusing to accommodate fares who possess liquor and Muslim store clerks refusing to handle pork products and liquor, Islamists have manipulated governmental bodies into acquiescing to the intricacies of their religion, even at the marginalization of other religions and in the face of the separation of Church and State.”
That taxpayer dollars help facilitate this “cultural surrender” is what Salvato calls “the bitter irony.”
Salvato warns that Islamists will “use the tool of immigration and non-assimilation when plausible to create voting blocks in order to elect Islamists to government. In the case of the latter, the pro-open border neo-Marxists play an integral role. Once Islamists attain a working majority in our legislative bodies (…) they will be able to institute, incrementally, elements of Sharia Law from within the constraints of the American system of government.”
Salvato says that this encroachment is being inadvertently abetted by “a grossly apathetic American populace.” However, he adds, “the United States will survive this challenge. I believe in the American people; that once effectively motivated they will rise to the challenge.”
So how can ordinary people fight back? Salvato cites four essential tools: “Education, information, utilization and support.”
In terms of education, says Salvato, his organization, the “uses only first-source, fact-based information in the material provided. We believe that by affording the American people – and the people of the world – the basics elements of the pillar issues (Constitutional Literacy, the threat of radical Islam and the dangers of the encroaching American Fifth Column) the public will become motivated to learn more. The more they learn the more confident they will become in the understanding of the issue, which leads to disseminating information.

He believes that by sharing information with friends and family, Americans can begin a word of mouth, grassroots revolution in thinking.
The third step, “utilization”, involves political action and civic responsibility. Politicians must be educated, then pressured into safeguarding American values and institutions.
Salvato places particular emphasis on becoming ” engaged in the local education process via oversight of school curriculum instruction. Local school board members must be educated and informed on the facts, especially in the face of the politically correct culture prevalent in our schools today. We must insist that curriculum be based on fact instead of emotion and that ideological indoctrination be limited to the principles and philosophies used in the creation of our founding documents. If religious or political ideology is to be presented it should be in an overview form of a historical examination, complete with its vulnerabilities and negative aspects, not to promote one over another; not to promote the failed ideologies of the past over the exceptionalism of the American philosophy.”
“Support” is the final step, and a challenge, especially in these trying economic times.
“Organizations such as ours struggle on a daily basis to achieve the most meager of operational financing,” explains Salvato.
“Where organizations like Heritage and CATO run multi-million dollar budgets, gathering capital investments only to utilize their efforts in effecting change inside the beltway, grassroots organizations like ours struggle to engage to actual citizenry. Where $100 to Heritage of CATO amounts to a very minute percentage of their annual fundraising, $100 means significantly more to non-profit organizations like the Basics Project.”
Besides the Basics Project, other grassroots organizations exist that are trying to fight back against the growing influence of radical Islam throughout America and the world. We’ve mentioned them throughout this series:
* ACT! for America – Dedicated to preserve the democratic values of Western Civilization, against the threat of radical Islam.
* Refugee Resettlement Watch – exposes underreported stories on Muslim immigrants’ efforts at imposing stealth sharia in American workplaces
* International Free Press Society – because “defeating jihad depends fundamentally on free speech,”
the IFPS is dedicated to fighting radical Muslim attempts to stifle criticism of Islam.

Kathy Shaidle blogs at Her new book, The Tyranny of Nice: How Canada crushes freedom in the name of human rights – and why it matters to Americans, features an introduction by Mark Steyn. Shaidle is also an advisor for the International Free Press Society

Published in: on June 2, 2009 at 2:44 pm  Leave a Comment